Getting back on track after the Holidays

Getting back on track after the Holidays
Do you struggle with occasional indigestion, bloating, heartburn, or lack of sleep? I’ve got some simple solutions for you today! 
  1. To improve your digestion, don’t eat when you’re stressed or on the go, and eat slowly. This is the most important piece of the puzzle. When you eat slowly and aren’t stressed, your body will be in the parasympathetic state, which is the body’s “rest, digest and heal” function. The parasympathetic state allows your body to release the correct amount of stomach acid, enzymes, etc. to digest your food. Diffuse oils like: Wild Orange, Lavender, Holiday Joy (my favorite during the holiday season!), Balance, Frankincense, or any oil that helps you feel more relaxed. You can also rub 1 drop of any of these oils on the back of the neck, spine or bottoms of the feet to help the body relax so you can properly digest your food. 
  2. Rub 1 drop of Peppermint over the stomach for occasional heartburn. Or, if you’re comfortable, place 1 drop on the tongue and then drink some water. Despite what we’ve been told, heartburn is a result of too little stomach acid in the stomach. Click here to read more about this important topic. 
  3. Rub 1 drop of Digest Zen over the lower abdomen to relive discomfort from bloating.
  4. Take an epsom salt bath a few times a week (or each evening, if you can) to help you sleep better (and it will help improve your digestion!). When you’re stressed, the first mineral your body burns through is magnesium (this is why so many people are magnesium deficient!). Soaking in a bath with 1 cup of epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil will help you relax and replenish your magnesium stores.
  5. If you lay down and can’t fall asleep, this is usually a sign of an adrenal imbalance, so diffuse lavender next to your bed and also eat a small snack such as a piece of raw cheese or spoonful of almond butter. A recent study found that inhaling lavender essential oil can decrease cortisol levels. That’s good news for the adrenals!
  6. If you wake up in the middle of the night and you can’t go back to sleep, again, eat a small snack and put a drop of lavender over your heart. The small snack and lavender will both help reduce your cortisol levels so you can go back to sleep. To read more about why this can work, click here to read about adrenal fatigue.
  7. To promote a restful night’s sleep, diffuse Serenity and Cedarwood next to your bed. This blend works like a charm!

Essential oils can be incredibly beneficial for you and your family. Instead of loading up on toxic synthetic chemicals, consider using these life-giving essential oils which have been used for thousands of years for health and healing.

The brand that I trust for me and my family is doTERRA therapeutic essential oils. If you want to get started with essential oils, you can click here to set up an account and get your oils at wholesale (up to 55% less than retail).

You may be concerned about what a “wholesale” membership means, so, here are a few things to know:

  1. It’s like a Costco membership. You pay $35 for the year and then you can purchase oils at wholesale. And, when you purchase a kit, the enrollment fee is waived!
  2. After your initial order, there’s no minimum monthly order requirement. Ever.
  3. You will get access to our Facebook page Come and ask whatever you’d like!
  4. Monthly specials and great BOGOs throughout the year.
  5. Much, much more!

If you want to start with some great oils, pick up the “Home Essentials Kit”. The kit comes with 10 important essential oils, a 4-hour oil Diffuser, plus you save over $80 off the wholesale prices.

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to contact us.