Oil Drops of Wisdom – Joyful Blend

Oil Drops of Wisdom – Joyful Blend

This week we’ll be spotlighting dōTERRA’s Elevation Joyful Blend. dōTERRA’s Elevation is called the joyful blend due to its ability to promote a positive mood. I love diffusing Elevation in my home to lessen feelings of stress after a long day of work. It creates a perfect, refreshing and energizing aroma that helps lift my spirits.

Need a little pick-me-up after a busy day? ’dōTERRA’s Elevation Joyful Blend is great for elevating your mood, promoting feelings of confidence, and increasing your energy. When you start to feel negative emotions arise, use Elevation topically or aromatically. This blend will help elevate mood and increase vitality. Elevation is great for rubbing over your wrists or putting a few drops into a bath for relaxation. It is especially perfect for diffusing in the mornings before your kids wake up to help them have a more positive and energized mood.

With the kids out of school for summer, try making this fun DIY Aromatherapy jewelry with doTERRA Elevation.



Essential oils can be incredibly beneficial for you and your family. Instead of loading up on toxic synthetic chemicals, consider using these life-giving essential oils which have been used for thousands of years for health and healing.

The brand that I trust for me and my family is doTERRA therapeutic essential oils. If you want to get started with essential oils, you can click here to set up an account and get your oils at wholesale (up to 55% less than retail).

You may be concerned about what a “wholesale” membership means, so, here are a few things to know:

  1. It’s like a Costco membership. You pay $35 for the year and then you can purchase oils at wholesale. And, when you purchase a kit, the enrollment fee is waived!
  2. After your initial order, there’s no minimum monthly order requirement. Ever.
  3. You will get access to our Facebook page Come and ask whatever you’d like!
  4. Monthly specials and great BOGOs throughout the year.
  5. Much, much more!

If you want to start with some great oils, pick up the “Home Essentials Kit”. The kit comes with 10 important essential oils, a 4-hour oil Diffuser, plus you save over $80 off the wholesale prices.

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to contact us.