Oil of the Week – Lime

Lime oil is a vibrant citrus oil that has a clean, energizing aroma and can be used for cleaning, cooking, and for many various health issues. Once you use pure lime oil, it will soon become a major staple in your daily essential oil routine.

Here are my favorite 8 Favorite Ways to Use Lime oil:

  1. For extra antioxidants and immune support – add a drop of lime to your morning smoothie.
  2. Spring fling diffuser blend (this blend will freshen the air and help you feel more relaxed) – Place 3 drops Lime, 3 drops Lavender and 2 drops Ylang Ylang in a diffuser.
  3. To calm anxiety or to help you sleep – Rub 1 drop of lime on the spine or the back of the neck as needed.
  4. If your digestive system is too slow – Rub 1 drop of Lime oil and 1 drop of DigestZen oil over the abdomen daily.
  5. All-natural cleaning solution – Place 2 drops of lime oil on a cotton pad and use to remove sticky residue and grease spots. Or, combine 1 cup water, 1/2 cup organic vinegar and 10 drops lime oil in a glass spray bottle and use to clean the entire house.
  6. For colds, coughs, sore throat and chest congestion – Place 1-2 drops to a bowl of steaming water and inhale it. You can also mix a few drops with fractionated coconut oil oil, then rub it on your neck and chest.
  7. To Relieve Joint Pain – Rub 1 drop of lime oil and 1 drop of Deep Blue over the area of concern.
  8. To flavor your food or beverages – Add 1 drop of lime oil to guacamole, salsa or pico de Gallo, margaritas, fresh lemonade, salad dressings, or marinades. A bottle of lime oil in the spring and summer is so helpful in the kitchen!

Essential oils can be incredibly beneficial for you and your family. Instead of loading up on toxic synthetic chemicals, consider using these life-giving essential oils which have been used for thousands of years for health and healing.

The brand that I trust for me and my family is doTERRA therapeutic essential oils. If you want to get started with essential oils, you can click here to set up an account and get your oils at wholesale (up to 55% less than retail).

If you want to start with some great oils, pick up the “Home Essentials Kit”. The kit comes with 10 important essential oils, a 4-hour oil Diffuser, plus you save over $80 off the wholesale prices.

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to contact us.