Oil of the Week – Peppermint

Oil of the Week – Peppermint
Peppermint is one of the most popular essential oils, and can be used dozens of different ways. I use it almost daily and always carry with me when I’m away from home.

Here are My Top 11 Favorite Ways to Use Peppermint Oil:

  1. For a headache – Rub 1 drop of peppermint on the back of the neck, temples, or forehead.
  2. My favorite energizing and focus blend – Diffuse 3 drops of peppermint and 3 drops of wild orange.
  3. To increase exercise performance – Before a workout, place 1 drop of peppermint on the tongue. Researchers found that 1 drop of peppermint taken internally before a workout increased exercise performance and respiratory function variables. How amazing is that?! 
  4. Upset stomach or indigestion – Rub 1 drop over the stomach, or place 1 drop on the tongue and then drink a glass of water.
  5. Occasional Nausea – Open the bottle and put it close to your nose and inhale and exhale deeply for about 30 seconds. I always bring peppermint when I’m flying because I just never know if any extra turbulence is going to unsettle my stomach. Works like a charm!
  6. To clear airways or for respiratory issues – Rub 1 drop of peppermint over the sinuses or over the lungs. When rubbing peppermint on the face, be careful not to get too close to the eyes, as it will make your eyes water.
  7. To cool the body when it’s overheated – Rub 1-2 drops of peppermint up and down the spine.
  8. For fresh breath – place 1 drop of peppermint on the tongue.
  9. For peppermint cookies or brownies – I’ll use about 5 drops in cookie batter or 8 drops in brownie batter for a fun peppermint flavor!
  10. To protect the respiratory system against seasonal and environmental elements – Combine 20 drops peppermint, 20 drops lemon, 20 drops lavender, 20 drops breathe and 20 drops frankincense and in a 10ml glass roller ball and top with fractionated coconut oil. Swipe the blend over the sinuses and/or feet 2x a day. My daughter occasionally reacts to dogs, but when she uses this blend, she’s totally fine!
  11. To soothe achy joints or muscles – Fill the bath with warm water, add 1 cup of epsom salts and 3 drops of peppermint. Soak for 20 minutes.