Wild Orange Usage

Have you ever smelled Wild Orange Essential Oil?

If so, then you know how incredibly amazing it smells! Plus, it can be used in so many ways, and it’s very economical, which is always nice. 🙂

Here are 15 of My Favorite Ways to Use Wild Orange Essential Oil: 

  1. To Reduce Anxiety – Place 1 drop of Wild Orange oil on your hand, rub your hands together, cup your hands over your nose and inhale and exhale deeply for 30 seconds.
  2. To Improve Slow Digestion – Rub 1 drop of Wild Orange oil over your stomach 2x a day.
  3. For Energy – Diffuse 3 drops of Wild Orange oil and 2 drops of Elevation.
  4. Mouth Ulcers – Rub 1 drop of Wild Orange oil and 1 drop of Melaleuca on the area of concern 2x a day.
  5. To Freshen the Air – Diffuse 2 drops Purify and 3 drops Wild Orange.
  6. To Clean Your Kitchen – add 10 drops of Wild Orange oil to your favorite non-toxic cleaner. Or, make your own cleaner with 1 cup organic vinegar, 1 cup water and 10 drops Wild Orange oil.
  7. To Help Reduce Inflammation – Rub 1 drop of Wild Orange oil and Eucalyptus oil on the feet 2x a day.
  8. To Increase Circulation – Rub 2 drops of Wild Orange oil on the area of concern.
  9. For Extra Antioxidants for the Skin – Add 1 drop of Wild Orange oil and 1 drop of Frankincense to a small amount of face cream and rub into the skin.
  10. To Add Flavor and Antioxidants to a Smoothie – Add 1 drop to any smoothie that you’re making. What a great addition to your favorite green smoothie!
  11. Stress Reducer Diffuser Blend – Diffuse 3 drops Wild Orange, 2 drops Frankincense and 2 drops Lavender.
  12. For acne-prone skin – Rub 1 drop of Wild Orange and 1 drop of Melaleuca to the area of concern.
  13. To Boost the Immune System – place 1 drop of Wild Orange oil in a veggie capsule and take internally. (If you’re not comfortable using pure essentials oils internally, then you can choose a different method.)
  14. When Studying, or Needing to Maintain Focus – Diffuse 3 drops of Wild Orange and 3 drops of Peppermint.
  15. To Cut the Grease – Add 1 drop of Wild Orange oil to your dish detergent before running the dishwasher. It also helps clean the dishwasher!