Detox – What is it and How do we start?

Detox – What is it and How do we start?

Yesterday I posted about why Detox. Now lets talk about what we need to and how to go about starting the process.

What is it?

Proper detox is a process through which the body’s main organs of elimination are supported and encouraged to release toxins. This process is a life-style change that should lasts for months and even years. A big key to the process is supporting your parasympathetic system. When you support the parasympathetic system, you allow the sympathetic system to release the toxins in a healthy manner.

When your body is a parasympathetic state, it can restore itself, it’s relaxed (stress-free), and improves digestions. As your body rests, it can heal itself and start the detoxification process.

There are several different areas where we get the toxins that populate our bodies and cause issues in our bodies:

Heavy Metals is the major category and are mainly found in dental work.  The affect our bodies by oxidatively damage to cells, depleting our body of necessary minerals, and disrupt our endocrine system.  The main heavy metals in our environment are mercury (from dental work), lead, antimony, nickel, cadmium, tin, arsenic, and uranium.

Persistent Organic Pollutants include insecticides used in our agriculture.

Opportunistic Toxins are bacteria and viral cells in everyone. When we take antibiotics, these toxins can grow more easily.

Energetic Toxins are chaotic radioactive environmental elements.

Emotional/Spiritual Toxicity caused by not dealing with emotions in the proper way.

Food Toxins are GMO’s (Genetic Modified Foods) that causing ‘gut’ disease (autoimmune diseases). Also included are hybridized grain created by our farming efforts that have stripped out fiber and natural nutrition using proteins that are synthesized and therefore our body doesn’t know what to do with it, turning into a toxin. And then there are the Irradiated Food & Food additives, nitrates added to processed meat.

Environmental Toxins are cosmetics (the largest), deodorant (full of aluminum), cookware (full of aluminum, especially non-stick, & copper), automotive exhaust, second hand smoke, antacids (full of heavy metals), canned goods (plastics and heavy metals), tab water (fluoride, heavy metals, pharmaceutical drugs that are flushed are not completely eliminated during processing of water), cleaning supplies, laundry soaps, cleaners, and softeners, treated lumber, and gas fumes.

How to we start?

The easiest ways are to have a plan, have accountability via a group of others, and never go hungry. We need to learn to redirect addictions, understand that some will have reactions as your body rids the body of toxins (one of the main reactions maybe headaches), look out for caffeine withdrawal.  We need to make sure allow for food prep time.

Having a plan by looking for a method that will be a life-style change, allows for a reboots and optimizes your system, provides a colon cleanse which also cleans the blood. This plan should allow your digestive system to rest because you are eating clean food and healing food.  The plan should include supplements that repair DNA and allow for emotional and spiritual health.  This is were essential oils come into your plan. The best plan should leverage Authophagy – focus on where it should be and not be  in your digestive system, attacking all the bad stuff – cancer, candida.

Having accountability is a big key. After reading a lot of different sites and reviews, I would like to recommend, Deliciously Organic. I love how these ladies layout things, easy to understand and how to start eating what is good for your body. But you need to also research and find the group that fits your need for how you want to change your life-style.

Changing Your Weight is another key. The wrong way to go about this is using calorie suppression plan as it will backfire and you will always gain weight back when you add calories back, therefore going round and round.  Diets are the wrong way as well, they involve packaged foods, processed, packaged foods contains toxins and over loads your digestive system. Therefore, detoxification will rid your body of those toxins listed above and optimizes hormone functions, reducing inflammation.

There is a ‘set point’ where your body wants to stay (5 – 10 lbs over the ideal weight). This is because your body’s protective system encases all these toxins in fat. When your body is able to release these toxins, then it will burn the fat. Why do women hold onto these extra pounds? The woman’s body holds these pounds around the middle to protect their reproductive organs even when they are not being used. When we don’t need to buffer our body against toxins, we can eliminate that platte, therefore use a good detoxification plan to eliminate the need for the body to remove these toxins.

Foods NOT to include!

These food should not be part of your plan. GMO’s (genetic modified foods) creates toxic proteins that build up in your body. Hybridized and processed grains contain refined flour, they are stripped of nutrients and fiber, and include synthesized proteins that your gut will not be able to digest correctly. Alcohol contain those processed grains. Soft drinks and energy drinks along with caffeine contains acids that lowers the bodies pH there good bacteria can not thrive. All processed food are stripped of nutrients and chemicals are added for preservation and flavor. Low quality supplements contain fillers that create toxins in your body. Artificial sweeteners really contain refined sugars which are also toxic to your body. Conventional animal products contain low emotion energy due to crawl environment along with adding antibiotics. All refined sugars add acid that lowers you body pH. Refined processed oils add bad oil to your system. Low quality protein products contain processed chemicals which extra estrogens and GMOs.

Plans to avoid!

I saw one plan that where you drink a cup of olive oil and ‘chase’ it with a can of cola, soda needs to be avoided completely.  Simple plans are not a life-style change.  If the plan is to sell a product stay away from them, you should be getting your food from the organic section of grocery store. Using a high protein plan is not a good choice as they contain animal proteins that go undigested in gut for long periods of time, therefore should be a plant base in your plan. Long fasting is too much too fast and triggers your body to retain ANYTHING it can get ahold of to produce energy which can be damaging. Also, a lemonade cleanse has too much sugar.

What your plan should include

Your plan should contain green, green, green… Green leaf vegetables contain the majority of nutrients your body needs. Organic plant foods in general, they do not contain GMO, they are whole plants and contain fats that are good for us. Those good fats help us to burn bad fats. Raw foods, unprocessed, are natural and contain lots of digestive enzymes that help support our gut. Non-allergenic foods will help eliminate gut issues. Using salt-free foods, allows potassium ratio to equalize therefore reducing inflammation. Use gluten-free foods, non-grain foods that don’t have GMOs. Being sugar and sweetener free will jump start your digestive system. Animal free, no dairy, no eggs, and no meat are good jump starters.

Starting with a nutrient-dense foods will help your body start the detoxification process. Those include vegetables, pastured meats, healthy saturated fats, eggs, raw dairy, fruits, herbs and spices, along with properly prepared nuts, seeds, grains, and legumes. Deliciously Organic contains several good recipes to help.

Oils to include in your plan

The largest organ to detox is the skin and its the most important. This is were the process needs to start and the focus should be on real food, inside-out process, putting your body into a parasympathetic state, and supporting the liver first. Eat a variety of real foods and make sure to consume healthy fats. Adding Zendocrine Essential Oil supports the healthy cleansing and filtering of the liver, kidneys, colon, and lungs. To aid in detoxing the skin, a good detox bath will help by using juniper berry, rosemary, and helichrysum.

To support the parasympathetic state, use lavender, lemon, frankincense, cedar wood, Balance & Serenity, Petitgrain, Vetiver, and any oil that makes you feel more relaxed. Support your liver by using cilantro, helichrysum, and geranium (rub 1-2 drops over the liver each day). Support the kidneys with lemongrass and thyme. Support the colon with peppermint, DigestZen, Real Food (Whole Foods), and be in a parasympathetic state. Support the lungs by using peppermint, eucalyptus, white fir, and Breathe (Respiratory Blend).

Always remind to drink plenty of plain water to help your body release the toxins. You should drink half your weight in ounces each day. If you weigh 150lbs, then you should drink 75 ounces of water each day. Make the drinking of water fun, add cucumbers, lemons, limes, berries, or fruit. Add a few drops of lemon or grapefruit oil to your glass of water. (Do not use plastic cups when using essential oils in your drink, only glass.)

Weight Loss…

Weight loss starts with the parasympathetic process. To the parasympathetic process add basil, clove, and rosemary for healthy weight loss. Adding Slim & Sassy to your water will help promote healthy metabolism and curb hunger cravings. Also adding grapefruit, thyme, and wild orange helps jump start your metabolism.

To curb sugar cravings, use peppermint, Slim & Sassy, and grapefruit. Use cinnamon and cardamon rubbed over the spleen to aid in blood sugar balance. Be sure to eat enough healthy fats to curb sugar cravings – adding a tablespoon of butter to each meal to aid in these cravings.

Hit a plateau…

When you hit that plateau, help your liver by rubbing 1-2 drops of geranium across your liver each day.  Use cilantro and helichrysum to aid the healthy detoxification process.


Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only. Always consult with a medical professional before starting or topping any prescription medication. This information is not a substitute for the professional care of your physician.